India’s Tiptoe on the Capitalism-Socialism Continuum

Capitalism and socialism are extremes on a continuum of economic systems. Almost all modern economies are a mix of the two. In capitalism, profit-motivated private entities, as opposed to governments, own and manage businesses, and demand and supply drive market prices. In this post, I will use government versus private ownership as the salient difference […]

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Have You Had an Apple Entrée?

Probably not. I have sampled food in different parts of the world, but I have not seen an apple entrée anywhere other than in my native Kashmir, India. This experience is my motivation to blog about an apple dish. Specifically, I will share a recipe for apples and eggplants from Kashmiri cuisine (get an overview […]

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Some Troubling Aspects of the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve (Fed), America’s central bank, controls the cost and quantity of money available to American banks, businesses, and consumers by manipulating interest rates through various monetary policy tools. The Fed sets interest rates conducive to sustained economic growth and full employment levels. Increased employment levels bring more demand for goods and services and […]

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