As a marketer with a limited promotion budget, would you allocate your money to sales promotion or advertising if everything else is equal? Sales promotions, such as coupons, discounts, and special offers, drive immediate purchases. However, their impact typically fades after the promotion ends. In contrast, advertising offers consumers compelling reasons to buy, develops consumer […]
AI, Nvidia’s Ascent, and Sleepy Stock Analysts
Few stock stories can match that of Nvidia. Its market value skyrocketed by an astounding $2.5 trillion in under two years—an increase surpassing the value of the stock markets of all but ten countries—catching even seasoned analysts off guard! In this post, I will explore why stock analysts failed to predict Nvidia’s phenomenal profit surge propelled by AI […]
Supermarket Shopping Sensibilities
Rampant price inflation at supermarkets has put supermarket shopping in the spotlight. In this post, I will highlight some everyday aspects of supermarket shopping in the context of value-conscious consumption in suburban and small-town America. Attitude Many consumers view supermarket shopping as an unappealing and mundane chore, but is a negative attitude toward an activity directed at fulfilling a […]