Navigating Prostate Health: My Experience

Following up on my suggestion to share health experiences (read here), I will, in this post, discuss prostate health and intertwine it with my experience. The prostate, positioned under the male urinary bladder, secretes a fluid that enhances sperm’s viability and facilitates its movement. Image Credit: Everyday Health The top part of the urethra, the tube […]

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How Can We Do Something Good via our Chat Groups?

I belong to three chat groups: my high school, undergraduate, and MBA class groups on WhatsApp. I benefit from these groups, although I am a somewhat silent member. They stir nostalgia, sustain relational bonds, and provide information and entertainment. We can potentially do more as a group, such as undertaking charitable activities, but implementing group-wide initiatives […]

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The Slippery World of College, Country, and People Rankings

Rankings are alluring. And because they feed into our hierarchy instinct, we tend to take them more seriously than we should. Let me elaborate with some examples in this post. College Rankings My friends and acquaintances sometimes consult me, a college instructor, regarding college choice decisions. In these interactions, I am surprised by their over-emphasis […]

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