An Unholy Trinity

Once upon a time, the church and the crown used to be the primary power centers in most societies. Over time, modern forms of government replaced monarchies, and the mass media emerged as an additional power center. The church, ruling political leadership, and media are the trinity mentioned in the title. Sometimes, they are at […]

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Can You Help Me Pronounce My Name?

I had expected my foreign accent might be problematic when I came from India to America to attend graduate school. I had, however, not thought I would even have a problem pronouncing my name. If there is anything I, and everyone else, can speak correctly and confidently, it is our name. But communication is not […]

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Dogs, Feminism, and Colonialism

When I was a kid, my parents cautioned me not to mess with stray dogs. They drilled into me that a stray-dog bite had to be remedied with 12, or was it 16, shots in the abdomen. This dreadful prospect ingrained a lifelong fear of dogs, of any kind, in me. Ironically, I ended up […]

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